i think its now starting to be "a thing" for me to go have lunch/dinner across the border. whichever border it is.
back in 2011 a group of friends - curiously 2 of them were on this 2015 trip - decided to drive to Morocco, from Lisbon, on a Saturday night, just for the hell of it.
now, i dont know your knowledge of geography, so let me just tell you these 2 things: it is in a different continent - that none of us had ever been to - and it is a around 8 hour drive. it was a Saturday night, we all worked on Monday. we basically drove there, had lunch, drove back, headed to work.
so, this Tijuana trip was a bit different, it was actually planned - same day planning still counts as planning - and the distance was way shorter, so it was a piece of cake.
we drove to the border, parked the car (we did some research on the way there and found out its easier to cross walking as there is usually lots of traffic), and walked to Mexico.
we checked on the map that the centre was close so we decided to refuse the service of the dozens of taxi drivers that were trying to tell us that we needed to take a cab. and walked. needless t say we got lost in the first 5 minutes.
the awesome thing about Tijuana though, is, everyone is very friendly and helpful, so we got back on track in no time. when we arrived to the main street for tourists (Avenida Revolucion) we had no clue where to go. fortunately we ran into this group of kids on bikes and in a mix of castellano, english and bikeish (which Bart speaks fluently) we were able to introduce ourselves and had them take us to a place to eat.
everyone was so welcoming that we ended up in this nice restaurant in a patio, talking to the owner, who was a HC kid as well, so we all became best buddies and he took us out for more food and drinks.
this kid, named Vitor, is the best and you should go to his place for dinner (or lunch, or even breakfast if you feel like it) if you are ever around Tijuana. not only the food is delicious but Vitor and his family members - who also work in the restaurant - were extremely friendly and helpful. Vitor even bailed on his sick girlfriend (sorry, but not sorry..) to come hang out with us and show us the the real Mexican night life.
meanwhile we also ran into this guy who was organising a show next door, and who randomly knew Rafa (from the previous post) - my Portuguese friend, living in Brazil, who I had gone for dinner in LA the previous night. And we are in Mexico! whaaaaaaat! small world indeed.
anyway, Tijuana was great, the people there are the nicest, the food is amazing, and the beer bottles they serve you in bars are massive.
the end.