max fischer.
max fischer.
ever since i bought The Wes Anderson Collection book i ve been rewatching all his movies. i ve been reading the chapter of each movie right after watching it, and it's amazing to know all those little details about it and things that i had never noticed before.
even if his movies don't have the usual happy endings i always feel blessed and happy after watching them, i feel like taking the most of what i got, of appreciating the small and beautiful things in life, of loving the beauty in the ordinary.
(i usually also feel like redecorating the whole house - the sets in his movies are always the best.)
for those living in London, the Prince Charles Cinema is doing a Wes Ander-Thon on the 9th. from 9pm to 8am. and you get free popcorn if you take a red Zissou's hat. check it here.