books. books. 2013.01.22 two new additions to my shelves:Where They Create, an inspiring book with photos from studios by Paul Barbera, check the website here.You And I, the amazing photographs of Ryan McGinley. the white ribbon says: 2013.01.22 at 12:55 pm que livros bonitos, boas aquisições! <3 Reply sara. says: 2013.01.23 at 8:55 pm quero plafond ilimitado na amazon! Reply the white ribbon says: 2013.01.25 at 2:42 pm Same feeling, há uns quantos q estão na minha lista há meses… Reply Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
que livros bonitos, boas aquisições! <3
quero plafond ilimitado na amazon!
Same feeling, há uns quantos q estão na minha lista há meses…