
weeks go by so fast here.
the year is ending,
things are changing and that is a good thing.
things are changing and that is a good thing.
last month i got Apartamento #10, one of the few magazines i collect now.
having to throw away most of my magazines (yes, with tears in my eyes) when i left my house in lisbon i decided to keep buying just my favourite 3, Love, Lula and Apartamento. it was a hard choice (sorry Jalouse, sorry Russh) but it had to be done.

Termos que nos separar das coisas que gostamos não é tarefa fácil :/
Eu tmb comprei a Apartamento há uma semana, gosto tanto eheheh e boa estadia em Londres 😉
obrigada Diana!
sim, as Apartamento tiveram mesmo de ficar, não consigo desfazer-me de nenhum número.